Semi MCs “Trust Me”

Semi MCs were five high school students who could sing, dance and rap well enough to form a posse. They’re like the natural predecessors of Nesian Mystik, but with lyrics more about general themes of love and getting down and having a good time.

“Trust Me” has a new jack swing flavour, and a fairly ambitious video. The guys are hanging out at night in a colourful courtyard area. All around them people are dancing in only the freshest of streetwear.

It’s a fairly bangin’ video and I can’t help wonder why this song didn’t chart higher than 27. Maybe it was just a bit behind the times. When it was released at the end of 1992, grunge had well and truly got a stranglehold on the world of pop.

The music video begins after two and a half minutes. Also worth watching is this interview from “3.45 Live!”. Phil From The Amazing Race and Dr Hine prod the shy lads who excitedly reveal they’ll be playing at DTM (DTM!!!) with MC OJ and Rhythm Slave.

Best bit: the looks of heartbreak and disappointment on the face of a girl when the guys drive off in their fancy convertible.

Director: L Baker
Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision

Next… the case of the missing shirt.

9 thoughts on “Semi MCs “Trust Me””

  1. The song seems solid but perhaps unremarkable, but it reminds me of all that Bobby Brown / New Edition / L.A. & ‘Face stuff which used to annoy me a lot when I was 13,14,15. Otherwise I feel almost completely unqualified to comment. I think you could have made that video for $500 though so not sure there is value for money unless Suzy Cato appearance fee is $4,500?

    Where are they now?

    1. It’s totally teenage girl music. The only time a guy would listen to this is to show that he was a nice kinda guy (though “Bonita Applebum” really gets the best results in these situations.

      I’m not sure about the rest of the band, but one of them is Chong Nee who had some hits in the mid-’00s, pleasingly singing grown-up versions of the same sorts of songs Semi-MCs sang.

  2. i remember these guys being rather big back in the early 90s, i recall going to see them perform at the power station and it being a big deal. it is a shame they didnt continue on much longer, would have been good to see what other work they could have pumped out over time. the sound was definately a product of its time, and i guess looking back, we didnt promote nz artists then as much as we do now, so who knows – maybe just unfortunate to have come from that time and not way down the track.

    1. The band split up due to the members having kids and families to look after. Family come first 🙂 I’m thankful that my dad, a member of the group, chose to look after my mum and siblings. Tu meke!

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