Dimmer “Evolution”

1999-dimmer-evolutionFinally, Shayne Carter has figured out how to use ProTools and has turned Dimmer into a fully fledged musical project, if not a band. The video takes its inspiration from Elvis’ ’68 Comeback Special. There’s a black background with red light spelling out DIMMER and Mr Carter wears a white suit with a brilliant crimson tie.

But Shayne is not alone. The video starts with a boy version of Shayne, later coming a teen Shayne, and later Shayne as an old man (played by his dad). It’s a bit like the end of “2001: A Space Odyssey” – a film about evolution – where astronaut Dave ends up in the weird white room and keeps seeing and becoming as older versions of himself.

So does this mean Shayne is going to evolve into a star child (or even more alarmingly, a Star Boy)? Nah, the video ends with Shayne shuffling off into the blackness, like he’s retiring back into his den to make some more tunes.

It’s a very simple video but is perfectly lit and has great performances from all the Shaynes. While there’s a lot of technical skill behind this video (directed by Darryl Ward), it’s a reminder that videos don’t need to be fancy and epic, that a single location with a great performance can work just as well.

Best bit: the swagger of youngest Shayne.

Directors: Darryl Ward, Shayne Carter
Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision

Next… keep on truckin’.