Despite Ray Columbus and the Invaders being generally held in high esteem in the world of New Zealand music, their back catalogue hasn’t fared too well when being covered by other artists. There was Double J and Twice the T’s “She’s a Mod/Mod Rap”, a Fat Boys-style reworking of “She’s a Mod”, and then came Herbs with a cover of “Till We Kissed”. Not that either songs were originals for Ray and the ‘Vaders. But that’s just how the world of pop worked back in the ’60s.
So, Herbs teamed up with old Ray and gave the song Herbs’ trademark Aotearoa reggae sounds, with lashing of cheese.
The video alternates between three situations – people kissing (usually parental pecks), Herbs playing on a porch in the golden sunshine, and Herbs and Ray playing in a studio, dressed in tuxedos.
The studio performance is a little odd. The band looks like they’ve put on suits for their niece’s wedding, and have been joined by old Uncle Ray on the bride’s side for a bit of a singalong. It doesn’t help that Ray is wearing giant 90s spectacles – the sort that hipsters wear nowadays.
But, hey, it’s uncles who have the most fun at weddings.
Best bit: Charlie from Herbs’ “Wow!” face after getting a double peck on the cheek.
NB:Sadly Warners have made this video private so it’s no longer available to watch. Le sigh. Instead here’s Ray Columbus and the Invaders performing their original version.
Next… a window is left open.