Stellar “Whiplash”

2005-stellar-whiplashWith their previous video funded in 2002, Stellar returned with “Whiplash”, the first single from the band’s final album Something Like Strangers. “Whiplash” was the band’s 13th funded video, and comes a decade after their very first video was funded back in the ’90s.

While Boh Runga has always been the star of previous Stellar videos, this is the first to ditch the band entirely. Her first solo release was only three years away.

So, it’s night time in Auckland. Looking down from the balcony of a high-rise hotel room, Boh decides to go for a walk along Queen Street. As she wanders along the street (shot in black and white), various genuine drunken revellers play up to the cameras behind her. This kills any notion that Boh is just a lady taking a night stroll – no, she’s a pop star with crowd-attracting capabilities. And wearing a skirt decorated with fairy lights isn’t exactly something a shy lady does.

I was wondering if having the video shot in black and white would obscure its setting, but no – the expats there are in the comments. When a video inspires outpourings from homesick New Zealanders, that’s a sure sign that it’s hit a minimum level of Aotearoan identity.

Best bit: Boh stops off at the White Lady for a burger.

Next… a never-ending story.

2 thoughts on “Stellar “Whiplash””

  1. Hi Robyn,
    Just a small (pedantic) correction: you say “this is the first [video] to ditch the band entirely”. Actually the band do appear in this video – at 1.44 onwards – walking behind Boh in the street scenes.The screenshot for this blog shows Chris over her right shoulder and a slightly obscured Kurt over her left. Andrew is further to the right and not in that particular shot.

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