Garageland “Fingerpops”

The “Fingerpops” video is an ode to drinking, specifically to that kind of drinking people do in their early 20s. It’s when you’ve moved on from such adolescent delights as peach schnapps and Sprite, and are now entering the adult world of sophisticated drinks. Why, in this video Garageland are hanging out in a Tarantinoesque bar, enjoying a whisky-like beverage in cut-glass tumblers, and drinking some sort of milky concoction shaken up and poured into shot glasses, and there are cocktail umbrellas. Take that, Don Draper.

“Fingerpops” is a love song, about being carried away with the whirlwind of emotion that comes with love, about how the cracking of knuckles can set your heart ablaze just cos it’s your special sweetie who’s doing it.

As well as the drinking, the video captures both the moody, emotional side of the love (the dark bar) and the joyful fun side (a bright lounge decorated with op shop furniture). It’s that perfect naivety of being a young adult – caught between the bright shiny world of childhood but forcing yourself into the dark world of adulthood.

Maybe this is how I want to remember the ’90s. I look to Jeremy Eade, wearing the sort of shirt you only see these days on cool uncles. “I haven’t been to bed for days,” brags Jeremy. “I live in a twilight haze.” When you’re old, this is a terrible situation. When you’re young, it’s brilliant.

Best bit: As the rest of the band rocks out, Debbie Silvey plays her guitar while lying on the couch.

Director: Peter Bell, Carla Rotondo
Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision

Next… a boy, a girl, a ladder.

2 thoughts on “Garageland “Fingerpops””

    1. Heh, it makes me want to get drink on something involving pineapple juice and a rum-like “general alcoholic beverage”.

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