Ordinary scenes, urban and suburban, monkeys, elephants camels, and tigers, lost in space, travelling light, split screen special, and the best party.
Continue reading June 2010: Julia Deans, K.One, King Kapisi, Knives At Noon, Midnight Youth, Nightchoir, North Shore Pony Club
Tag: Junipah
October 2009: Isaac Aesili, Iva Lamkum, Jesse Sheehan, Jordan Luck Band, Julia Deans, Junipah, Kirsten Morrell
A wander around town, three faces, a nautical adventure, sleepy time, a smoky eye, and the new aesthetic,
August 2009: J Williams, Junipah, Liam Finn, Luger Boa, Midnight Youth, Minuit
Loitering at the pool hall, all around town, here and not here, couch party, a post-apocalyptic nightclub, and askew showgirls.
Continue reading August 2009: J Williams, Junipah, Liam Finn, Luger Boa, Midnight Youth, Minuit