December 2008: Arms Reach, Cobra Khan, Crashpolitic, Cut Off Your Hands, Doppler, False Start

Dance your cares away, the old colonel’s last feast, everyone else is having more fun, bring out the bedsheets, a totally mental hospital, and coming in like a wrecking yard.

Continue reading December 2008: Arms Reach, Cobra Khan, Crashpolitic, Cut Off Your Hands, Doppler, False Start

December 2006: Concord Dawn, Cut Off Your Hands, Dimmer, Elle, Evermore, False Start

Hypno Shayne, 12 stripes, Auckland pop, Queensland pop-rock, and raging against the goths.
Continue reading December 2006: Concord Dawn, Cut Off Your Hands, Dimmer, Elle, Evermore, False Start

October 2006: Elemeno P, Ill Semantics, Kimbra, Minuit, Neil Robinson

Bob Parker’s mischievous monkey, a social media guru, suburban club culture, a knitted audience, and oodles of doodles.
Continue reading October 2006: Elemeno P, Ill Semantics, Kimbra, Minuit, Neil Robinson