December 2006: The Feelers, The Mint Chicks, The Valves, These Four Walls, Tiki Taane, Tyna & JB

Seeing in the new year, Kiwi style; James Bond, Kiwi style; drum ‘n’ bass, Kiwi style; and walking (off a cliff, in the rain, away) Kiwi style.

The Feelers “On a High”

If this had actually been the last video the Feelers had ever released, they really would have been going out on a high. It’s based on a live show in front of a huge audience, which I think was New Year’s Eve 2006/2007 at the Waihi Hotel. It captures the Feelers as the go-to summer circuit good-time band, with the crowd apparently loving their new stuff just as much as the old classics.

The Mint Chicks “Walking Off A Cliff Again”

The Mint Chicks stay out of this video, with the lead given to a skinny guy in bunny ears who suddenly finds himself fleeing from some Lego blocks who had asked for help. While that’s going on, we also see various pairs of people who have tension between them. Can bunny boy make everything better in an unusual way involving a tin bathtub? It’s a Mint Chicks video – anything is possible.

Director: Sam Peacocke
Nga Taonga Sound & Vision

The Valves “Walking in the Rain”

The Valves were a Christchurch band fronted by ’90s survivor and former Pumpkinhead frontman Brent Milligan who was calling himself Brent Black. But the question is, will a video called “Walking in the Rain” have loads of water in it? Of course it will! As if there was any doubt. It features Brent and the band getting rained on both indoors and outdoors, with the outdoors scenes featuring a comic raincloud that follows him where he walks. A very dramatic song and with great rock energy in the video. (You know what’s really weird? The way this song starts, with the descending arpeggiated piano chords, it sounds like it’s going to be “Dancing in the Rain”, Spain’s 2014 Eurovision entry.)

Director: Richard Bell
Nga Taonga Sound & Vision

These Four Walls “Walk Away”

So much drama. “Walk Away” is about relationship angst and the video really wants to show how bleak things are. It’s Christmas time and Steve the singer is moping around the house. Pizza isn’t killing the pain so he ends up smashing up the room, before emo-ing to his ex in the rain. She isn’t having it. I don’t blame her – who wants to date a guy whose response to emotional turmoil is to violently smash up his house?

Director: Scott Boswell
Nga Taonga Sound & Vision

Tiki Taane featuring Julia Deans “Our Favourite Target”

“Our Favourite Target” sees Tiki Taane take a production role, with Julia Deans appearing in her first non Fur Patrol project. The video focuses on Julia and as always, her hair is amazing, this time based around powerful red fringe. Tiki is lurking in the shadows, and sometimes there is footage of someone (Tiki, I assume) getting tattooed. It’s low budget video but with really strong visuals.

Director: Gary Mackay
Nga Taonga Sound & Vision

Tyna & JB “Take Me Home”

“Take Me Home” is based on the style of James Bond titles, with some comedic spy action thrown in for good measure. The stuff that’s based on the titles (i.e., silhouettes of lovely ladies) is the most effective and combined with the slinky tones of the song, is fairly comparable some of the less fancy titles from actual Bond films. But the comedy spy capers are less successful. Either play it for laughs or play it straight, but don’t mix and match.

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