Elemeno P returned with a new album, Trouble in Paradise, and “11:57” was its first single. In keeping with the times, the band had taken a harder, rockier sound, moving away from their poppier roots. The trouble is, lead singer Dave’s speak-singing style can’t keep pace with the power of the music. He sounds like someone doing a half-arsed singalong, while bassist Lani outshines him with her rock solid backing vocals.
But let’s get to the video. The band are dressed all in black (so emo), with a few accents of colour, including lani’s red shoes. They seem to be performing on a roof top, with a large khaki and orange target shape on the ground. It’s night time – 11.57pm, of course.
The camera has a sense of excitement and urgency, rushing about the performance area. This is no passive bystander – the camera is like a gig-goer hopped up on Red Bull. And that’s where the emphasis is – Elemeno P, rocking out. It ends up putting the spotlight on the strong rock qualities of the song, which in turn shows up the contrast of the non-rock vocals. It’s tense.
Best bit: Lani’s shoes, as always.
Director: Marcus Ringrose
Nga Taonga Sound & Vision
Next… wheel out the urban decay.