This is like a low-budget James Bond title sequence. Much of the video involves a young woman wearing a bikini, sensually writing in a bathtub. But just to mix things up, all the footage of her is shot in negative.
It’s a strange world. Who takes a bath wearing a bikini? Er, contestants on Big Brother and girls in music videos. The film negative makes the footage seem less pervy and more psychedelic, but then there’s the undeniable fact that most of the footage focuses on her boobs and bum.
Autozamm haven’t performed as a band in their previous two videos, but “Sweet Love” actually sees them rocking out. Sort of. Footage of the band is layered with the bath girl so we only get tiny glimpses of them.

While the bath scenes do have that somewhat elegant, Bond-style feeling, that’s largely down to the effect of the film negative. Viewing the footage in positive and it’s just a girl in her togs sloshing around in a shallow bath. But maybe that would have made for a more interesting video.
The video was another recipient of the additional $1500 grant from Positively Wellington Business’s Made In Wellington scheme for producing the music video in Wellington.
Best bit: the random wide shot that reveals the girl alone in a suburban bathroom.
Director: Sam Buys
Nga Taonga Sound & Vision
Next… an icon of Auckland.