Muckhole “Pop Out Punk”

1997-muckhole-pop-up-punkIt’s a quiet afternoon at the Skateland roller rink. A concession stand girl and the emcee both look bored. Ok, it’s time to shake this up a little. Send in the punks!

On cue, a big old convertible rolls into the Skateland car park, and out jumps the band in fancy dress. There’s a ’70s Afro man, a priest, an Elvis and a bee. They enter the building, the emcee cheers and the band launches into their furious 90-second song.

Muckhole are set up in the middle of the rink and while they play, roller hockey kids skate around them.

Some of the video seems to have been shot with a crane, but given that the YouTube description notes the video was made for $4000, I actually wouldn’t be surprised if it was a guy dangling in the rafters.

The song ends the band suddenly vanishes. Serenity returns to Skateland, while the waitress forlornly skates around, with no customers to receive her tray of milkshakes.

It’s a simple video with a cute concept at its core. It looks as low budget as it is, but that fits right in with the song’s angry lyrics.

Best bit: the Elvis lead singer, taking full advantage of his costume’s mana.

Director: Marek Sumich

Next… the coolest way to lay low.

2 thoughts on “Muckhole “Pop Out Punk””

    1. Ah, I know what that is. When I was working on morning television, they’d always use a Jimmy Jib for the entertainment extravaganza shows.

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