Doppelganger delights, passionate embraces, ur a star, the summer formula, a similar cardboard world, here comes the powder, and the world famous crew.
Continue reading December 2010: The Earlybirds, The Naked and Famous, The Veils, Tiki Taane, Tommy Illz, Villainy, Vince HarderTag: The Earlybirds
August 2010: State of Mind, The Drab Doo Riffs, The Earlybirds, The Naked and Famous, The Phoenix Foundation, The Valves, These Four Walls, Tokyo Street Gang, Vince Harder
When television attacks, Spock ‘n’ roll, smoky desire, a recurring dream, the leisure club vs the egg, down by the water, serious rock, double disco ball delights, and back down by the water.
December 2009: The Checks, The Earlybirds, The Tutts, The Upbeats, Tokyo Street Gang, True Lovers
Boys and knives, wet wet water, rough rock, storage locker war, pulp fiction.
June 2009: Salmonella Dub, Sarah Brown, Solstate, The Checks, The Earlybirds, Trei
Down at the hall, a mild winter, cats eyes, dramatic silhouettes, coloured dots, and a ghostly wander around Wellington.
Continue reading June 2009: Salmonella Dub, Sarah Brown, Solstate, The Checks, The Earlybirds, Trei