Southside of Bombay “All Across the World”

Southside of Bombay’s follow-up single after “What’s the Time Mr Wolf” is the uplifting “All Across the World”. It’s a happy singalong good vibes experience, and the video includes a big group sing.

There is also scenes in a strange minimalist art gallery place, hands clutches rosary beads, hongiing, men in prison, live performance footage, little kids being cute, and close-ups of people looking very meaningful and/or mysterious. This is world of slow motion, where people move their heads in very meaningful ways.

And Mr Bob Marley also gets a mention, with a poster prominently placed in the background. Indeed, notes the influence of Tuff Gong on “the Maoris of New Zealand”.

The song ends with the classic truck-driver gear-shift chord change, while the aforementioned little kids frolic with flags of the world. Hopefully this will cheer up the grim-faced men behind bars.

Best bit: the little girl who carefully hands a boy a ti rakau stick instead of throwing it like the other kids.

Director: Richard Bluck
Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision

Next… we dream of a time and place in outer space.

One thought on “Southside of Bombay “All Across the World””

  1. Hey there,

    This shore brings back memories…wish I could live that day again as I’m in the video. This was my class in Titahi Bay North School. Payed a visit back there it’s not the same no more.

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